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Sunday, November 30, 2008


Terror Terror everywhere...!! Error Error everywhere...?? No......not at all....... Although....strange witnessing happening......Now & Here... Tremendous compassion arising...for the victims instruments...and also for the one responsible..for it.... There is a grief ......and also the compassion..for the either instruments.... No hatred....atall......the scenes are unfolding....... Who is to be a Dream.......which looks profoundly real..!!! The which "I" am playing all the roles.....of the killed ...and ...also the killer....... What is THAT .....which does not want to be it, the Killed or the Killer.............. The recognition.......of HERE & NOW...... The time to recognise the "Timeless"..that is what you and me all are....... lots of love

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jai SatGuru

just the
which was apparent....
and yet very very got caught..... :-)
Ha ha Ha Ha Ha...........
How stupid...& funny
i(me) always 'thought'
that the beloved osho....Nisargadatta.....were
talking to "me"...
teaching "me"..........whereas that "me"..... itself is....& was always...just a "Thought"..... ;-)

The shadow dissolved......
in its....
own Substance..........

Jai SatGuru....... _()_

10 Nov 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"M" for 'me'

"M" for 'me' .... but....its just an alphabet....just a thought..!! Just a thought.. .... Amazed to SEE.... Absence of "M" in any of these...Universal Five Elements....Space...Wind.....Fire.....Water...Earth..... Never known SPACE getting insulted when we build walls & roof [ wich we call Home ] for being trapped..... Never known WIND getting disgusted when we run our ceiling fans at home..... Never heard FIRE feeling assaulted when we limit it to our lighters... Never heard WATER feeling bad when we trap it in little bottles.... Never heard EARTH feeling hurt when we cover it with lovely tiles..... Absence of "M" in any of these...five elements....Space...Wind.....Fire.....Water...Earth..... ;-) Now..... read HU"M"AN...... ;-) What did u find.....!!!!? found apparent "M".... Good.......!!!! Report HERE urgently.....if you find "me"...... ; - ) *Read the Title now once again.... "M" for 'me'.....but its just an alphabet....just a thought..!! tkssss..for reading ..seeeing....cheerss......enjoy... -Shadow 12 Nov 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Not a single Lock 
ever found...made; 
without a Key...!!!! 
Lock & Key are 
simply two aspects 
inseparable Phenomenon... !

*One may find apparent keys for 
the apparently real Locks...;-) 
Best wishes... :-) 

With Love,

05 Nov 2008

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Its amazing
to recognise
the Background of the Ceiling Fan
ever remains
no matter....
it throws cool or hot air
how fast or slow...
..with changing RPm's rotates....&
the span of time.. it rotates.......................................
And there are TALKS.....
on increasing the speed...
trying different methods....
changing the brands....
verying positions.....
Ha ha ha ha......;-)
Its Amazing to SEE.....
The Background
neither Createdddddddd
becuase of the presence of the Fan....
Dependentttttt on presence of the Fan..... ;-)
04 Novmber 2008


Teacher: Pursue happiness & get enlightened. S: mean..... If someone knows ..... 'A' for apple, 'B' for Boy, 'C' for Cat, 'H' for Happiness.................. and 'E' for Enlightenment...... he/she is enlightened ..... ;-) ;-) ;-) Cheeers............ - shadow 04 November 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008


Today morning a thorn found on my palm... a pain began.... A thorn pricked .. & the first time Hand knew that it existed... Where was the pain..few moments earlier... not only pain was absent... But even the pleasure of having hand was absent...
Birth...Birth....Birth....this is IT I did not even know that I existed..... and suddenly the thorn of "knowingness" bit.... and started the game of pain & pleasures.... the game of "me' and "mine"...... There was neither pain no pleasure, prior to biting of this thorn of "knowingness".... That's EXACTLY the Birth.....happening of "Birth".... But who is born really......not ME....Certainly not "I". The knowingness has surely Appeared..... from somewhere....from somew"here"........

02 November 2008