Original Marathi post
सप्रेम आठवण
being translated by dear friend Rajesh
Reminder... with love
You forgot you forgot, you forgot ..you only forgot.
Lost in words, you forgot your worldlessness.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In pursuing your pursuits, you forgot the original destination.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
You indulged so much in the colors of painting, but forgot the empty canvas.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
You look to meaning in words, but forgot the meaning in your own self.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
You drowned yourself in all the knowledge, but forgot this No-knowledge.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In playing cards of belief, you forgot the ace of Self.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In the game of winners, you forgot to cherish the supreme joy of losing,
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In all the practices of oneness, you forgot unhappend deattachment within.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In indulging in all experiences, you forgot the timeless Experiencer.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In clinging to the game on edges, you forgot the flow itself.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In running after happiness, you forgot the happiness within.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
In entangling youself with all the causes, you forgot the uncaused itself.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
That which is momentarily you hold, but the timeless you forget.
You forgot, you forgot, you forgot your own Self.
The lost can be searched & found
how about
the forgotten ONE...!!?
Hence this
Reminder....with love :-)
Jai Guru
Nitin Ram
Whatever the question, Love is the Answer!
Related links:
SELF Reminder ...
Related links:
SELF Reminder ...