तेरे बिना जिया जाये ना...
Life is impossible without YOU…
Satguru Nisargadatta Maharaj left his body in 1981. Forthcoming 6th September will be the day according to the Hindu calendar for his bodily Exit & divine Entry in our hearts! This post is in loving memory of the beloved Maharaj, who cannot be remembered as He is never forgotten!
तेरे बिना जिया जाये ना.....
बिन तेरे,
तेरे बिन साजना...
सांसमे सांस आये ना........!
तेरे बिना जिया जाये ना...!
तेरे बिना जिया जाये ना...!
Oh Beloved…
Life is impossible without YOU!
Life is impossible without YOU!
My breath just chokes…without You!
जब भी खयालोंमे तू आये,
मेरे बदनसे खुशबू आये..
मेहेके बदनमे रहा ना जाये... रहा जाये ना...!
Oh Beloved...
Whenever You emerge in my thoughts,
My body is filled with the fragrance!
And it’s just impossible to be in this way!
Life is impossible without YOU!
My breath just chokes…without You!
रेशमी राते रोज ना होंगी,
ये सौघाते रोज ना होंगी...
जिंदगी तुझ बिन रास ना आये... रास आये ना...!
Oh Beloved…
Moments of being with You will cease,
Such wonderful gifts too will cease!
Life without You is unbearable!
Life is impossible without YOU!
My breath just chokes…without You!
तेरे बिना जिया जाये ना
बिन तेरे, तेरे बिन साजना..
सांसमे सांस आये ना...!
Oh Beloved…
Life is impossible without YOU!
Life is impossible without YOU!
My breath just chokes…without You!
जय गुरु........
You are ever Here and yet I miss You …:-) Isn’t it so wonderful..!!
There is no way known to me to Thank You...And yet.....I Thank You ... Oh Beloved!! Thank You so much!!!
-नितीन राम
27 August 2011
Whatever the question, Love is the Answer!
The audio of this haunting song can be heard
on this you tube link: