Retreat for Inner Adventure
Life is a Blessing,
Recognize it...
Experience NOW!
Residential Retreat
with Nitin Ram
Dates: 14, 15, 16 August 2015.
VENUE: ANHAD* 125 Kms from Pune.
*ANHAD: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10202991417973429.1073741829.1443707505&type=1&l=bbd42bcdd8
Retreat for Inner Adventure
Life is a Blessing,
Recognize it...
Experience NOW!
Residential Retreat
with Nitin Ram
Dates: 14, 15, 16 August 2015.
VENUE: ANHAD* 125 Kms from Pune.
*ANHAD: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10202991417973429.1073741829.1443707505&type=1&l=bbd42bcdd8
Limited participants:
Max 4-5 nos.
Registration: selfcalling@gmail.com
*Admission to Retreat is a sole
discretion of the Organizers.