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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

ANHAD Retreat, A Spiritual Treat (NOV & DEC 2016)

An experience here shall forever change the way you view the world and your place in it.

Residential Retreat with Nitin Ram* 
25, 26, 27 November 2016
16, 17, 18 December 2016

ANHAD Retreat is a one of its kind of residential spiritual retreat in India for Inner Transformation, aimed at Experiential Blissful Living. It's a golden opportunity to awaken your hidden potential & discover Inner Wealth. 

Life must have given you various experiences so far. ANHAD Retreat will gift you The Experience of Life ! An experience here, shall forever change the way you view the world and your place in it. Each moment spent here in these 3 days could bring about a 3 dimensional change in your life.

People from all walks of life participate in this Retreat, including engineers, doctors, film makers, lawyers, homemakers and followers/teachers of Yoga, Reiki, Vipassana, Art of Living, Isha F, Kriya Yoga, SSY, Yogada Satsang Society etc.

Seats are limited & on first come first serve basis. 5 - 8 nos. only.
Age: 35 to 55 

Friends with 
Priority & Passion for
Experiential Blissful Living 
can write to us before 25th Oct on 
for Special Registration Offer.


Visit following facebook links for more info:

ANHAD Retreat 
For Inner Adventure.

Nitin Ram@anhadretreat

*ANHAD Retreat is Free for those 'Like-Hearted', earnest seekers, who are passionate to meet their Own 'Self', but unable to contribute towards participation. However, this is at the SOLE DISCRETION of Nitin Ram.