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Friday, June 17, 2016

ANHAD RETREAT For Inner Adventure (July & August 2016)

Residential Three Day Retreat with Nitin Ram*
on :   
1)     15, 16, 17 JULY 2016
2)     26, 27, 28 AUGUST 2016

Visit following ANHAD RETREAT facebooklink:

ANHAD Retreat for Inner Adventure
What’s inside is projected outside! Confusions within are projected as fear outside! Fear turns into psychological suffering. But Experiential Clarity brings Awakening Results! Experience it NOW!
If you have been running away from the Secret* of ‘Who You Are’, it’s time to run towards it* & embrace it* forever, for the Ultimate Rest lies Here, prevails Here! It’s time to Re-treat yourself!

Limited participants: Max 10 nos.

Age : 35 to 55
For Details:

*ANHAD Retreat is Free for those 'Like-Hearted', Earnest seekers, who are passionate to meet their Own 'Self', but unable to contribute towards Retreat participation. However, this is at the SOLE DISCRETION of Nitin Ram.