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Monday, August 21, 2017

TATVAMASI - YOU ARE THAT: A Film on Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

TATVAMASI - YOU ARE THAT: A Film on Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj is now available for purchase (Online Download) on following link:

NIRGUNACHE BHETI : A Marathi film on Sri Nisargadatta is also available for purchase (Online Download) on following link:


AbideInSelf Revelations

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Divine Secret: Why & How?

Search for answers to every 'Why' leads to Relative Truth,
Search for answers to every 'How',
may lead to the Absolute Truth
Concerning 'Who You Are?'.

With every answer to 'Why',
Mind is satisfied &
'me (ego)' is strengthened,
With every answer to
Mind is shattered &
'me' is annihilated!

'Why' keeps us enmeshed in
Realm of Mind,
'How' helps in
Transcending Mind!

Answers to 'Why'
lead to 'I know' (egoistic) state,
(No)Answers to 'How'
lead to
'I know nothing',
a state of surrender!

Answers to 'Why'
entangle us in concept of 'Causality',
(No)Answers to 'How'
reveal falsity of 'Causality'.

Are you obsessed
& satisfied with
Relative Truths?
Are you in search of
Absolute Truth???

Nitin Ram
31 JULY 14


ANHAD Retreat
For Inner Adventure.

Nitin Ram@anhadretreat

The Divine Secret:Why & How?
Two most important questions that each one comes across in life. (Click to read full post)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

ANHAD Retreat, A Spiritual Treat (Feb & March 2017)

ANHAD Retreat, A Spiritual Treat (Feb & March 2017)

An experience here shall forever change the way you view the world and your place in it.

Residential Retreat with Nitin Ram* 
24, 25, 26 February 2017
24, 25, 26 March 2017

ANHAD Retreat is a one of its kind of residential spiritual retreat in India for Inner Transformation, aimed at Experiential Blissful Living. It's a golden opportunity to awaken your hidden potential & discover Inner Wealth. 

Life must have given you various experiences so far. ANHAD Retreat will gift you The Experience of Life ! An experience here, shall forever change the way you view the world and your place in it. Each moment spent here in these 3 days could bring about a 3 dimensional change in your life.

People from all walks of life participate in this Retreat, including engineers, doctors, film makers, lawyers, homemakers and followers/teachers of Yoga, Reiki, Vipassana, Art of Living, Isha F, Kriya Yoga, SSY, Yogada Satsang Society etc.

Seats are limited & on first come first serve basis. 5 - 8 nos. only.
Age: 35 to 55 

Friends with 
Priority & Passion for
Experiential Blissful Living 
can write to us before 25th Oct on 
for Special Registration Offer.


Visit following facebook links for more info:

ANHAD Retreat 
For Inner Adventure.

Nitin Ram@anhadretreat

*ANHAD Retreat is Free for those 'Like-Hearted', earnest seekers, who are passionate to meet their Own 'Self', but unable to contribute towards participation. However, this is at the SOLE DISCRETION of Nitin Ram.