Will you be able to attend
Current movie show
(Show of NOW*),
With the outdated Tickets* …!!? :-)
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Do you really need any tickets*
For that…..!! :-))
Best wishes with love…..
*Show of Now- Life
*Tickets- Concepts
-Nitin Ram
Whatever the question, Love is the Answer!
स न वि वि
खरोखर बोध घेणे हे जरुरीचे आहे.
फारच सुन्दर फोटो आहे.
Dear Nitin,
Sunderahoon Sunder.
Sashtang Namaskar.
Jai Guru....
SatGuru's grace is ever flowing...
Excellently said..
In fact on a personal note I had treated spiritual understanding an intellectual exercise - expecting intellectual analysis to finally result in a big bang enlightenment. This then became a burden carrying around a concept / image of consciousness, awareness, enlightenment as a foreign implant in the head. I could see myself very subtly visualising this 'Absolute Consciosuness' as something higher than my body which I need to aspire to (such are the games our mind plays) till a statement of Maharaj bought me back - it is not higher than the body-bowl but actually deeper , the very core of the body bowl..in fact rightly - who is it (what is this awareness) that is really looking out from your eyes right now....
We cannot NOT be what we really are, at any moment - abiding as this very core being, first person is the real journey so to say - rather than carrying an idea, image or a thought however subtle...maharaj mentioned in context that everything that is not this Self has to be given up..
Best Regards,
Sanjay Shirole
Am so happy to read your mail :-))))! There isn't any greater pleasure (now) than seeing another reflection getting dissolved in the Eternal Subsance...returning HOME :-)))))
Am so happy.............which is beyond any words.....
Love n Regards
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